
Tailored Group & Individual Sales Training

We provide group training and workshops for businesses from many different verticals on the sales best practices on the following:



How to persuade and influence people using language patterns and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.


The master key to increasing your sales productivity.

Process, People and Technology aligned with the best sales methodologies.


Powerful strategies for

find the best leads and generate effective sales results


Exercise creativity and turn ideas into reality. Learn more about this skill that can be used by anyone.


Identify the reasons why people act in a certain way. In other words, each one of us in a given context is influenced by some motivators, know what they are and learn how to be more effective in your negotiations.


How to identify real objections from false ones. Understand the intent of each objection and seek the information you need to overcome it.


The right story, presented correctly, can change the course of a sale. You will learn the science behind persuasive storytelling and how to use your story to make a good presentation using the hero´s journey


Understand the impact of words on your lead’s mental processing through the basics of NLP. Identify the motivators that drive individuals to act in a particular way. Understand the functioning of our conscious and unconscious and how it can impact your communication. 


Identify the pains of your persona, segment, product and/or other criteria that impact your business. Create strategies based on these variables and formulate approaches using SPIN Selling and BANT methodologies.


Know where to find leads for your business. Define the ICP (who is your most potential customer) and the IPP (which persona you have the best chance of closing the deal). Identify the prospecting phases and their deliverables, as well as the decision criteria.

Application of BANT and SPIN SELLING methodologies in the prospecting process, Lead Scoring construction and sales scripts. Identify the main objections and how to overcome them. Construction of the prospecting playbook.


 How to identify which phases of the sale and its deliverables. Learn to differentiate feature, benefit and value in delivering your business solution. Create the strategies for driving sales opportunities. Identify the degree of maturity of the company x ideal offer.


How to create a sales plan and set achievable goals. Build the main indicators for measuring results and define the criteria that should be used in follow-up meetings.

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